Data Storage Solutions in Government & Public Sector

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Digital Transformation in the Government Sphere

Data Storage Solutions in Government & Public Sector


As you may have experienced yourself, the pandemic situation has significantly improved the work of almost any institution in the public sector. Today you can manage almost everything online, just by entering the personal information in the system. 


But have you ever wondered how the proper processing and storage of such sensitive data in the government sphere should look like?



Questions & Challenges


In Open-E, we work closely with the public and government sectors all around the world, and we can proudly say that we are a part of the revolution. We decided to summarize what are the most challenging tasks for data storage administrators in this sector:


  • How to safely store a large amount of data?

  • How to protect the stored data against data losses, theft, or other intrusions

  • How to make the usage of a storage solution convenient?

  • How to get a cost-friendly storage solution?

Find out the answers to these questions and which Open-E JovianDSS features are the best choice for them. Read the article!





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