New article series on the Open-E Blog: Basics of SSD performance tests

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New article series on the Open-E Blog

Basics of SSD performance tests


Time for some news from the Open-E Blog! Open-E just started a new series of articles on the topic of testing flash memory, and today we're inviting you to read the very first part of it.


Flash memory performance testing


Understanding the importance of SSD tests

and boosting overall performance


Our article series will give you a better understanding of SSD performance test results, and how to assess the capabilities of the SSDs you are using or planning to use. In fact, it's not an easy task and it also requires time and effort to collect accurate and reliable results. This article might be of some help in projecting the whole data storage environment, especially with all-flash storage where the server uses only SSD disks.


In the first part of the series we're introducing you to the topic in general, presenting the main goals of SSD performance testing and describing the common concepts.


Go to the Blog


Stay tuned for the upcoming posts on this topic, covering garbage collection as well as the actual testing, filtering and preconditioning.

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