Blog article Data risks and countermeasures

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New article on Open-E Blog

Data security risks and countermeasures


Today we invite you to read our newest blog article in which we present a range of risks that await you and your critical business data every day. But no worries, the article is not only about frightening you and sentencing your data to loss, as we also provide failure-resistant solutions. Read on!


Blog article - Data risks and countermeasures


#1 Software for Data Storage, Backup & Business Continutity

Open-E JovianDSS for data security


Along with the constantly developing use of digital technologies, data security challenges are to be addressed with great caution and precision. Indeed, no business can afford data loss. The bad news is that no business can be entirely certain that they will never come accross any threat. It's a Russian roulette, one day our competition may struggle with ransomware attack, and the other day your business may suffer from a disk failure.


The good news is that there are solutions to all and each of those risks! Open-E JovianDSS contains a variety of advanced features which can guarantee data safety and simple recovery in case of error. In our newest article we list some of the potential risks to your data and provide Open-E countermeasures to all of them. Go to the article and keep your data safe at all times!


Read the article now



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