Blog Post 7 Little-Known Amazon EBS Features You Should Be Using

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Subjective list of 7 little-known Amazon EBS features you should be using


Rush to the Open-E Blog to read our latest article! This time we're talking about AWS, EBS, EC2 and its features. New to the topic? Read on and learn what those terms mean.


7 Little-Known Amazon EBS Features You Should Be Using


What is AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS)

and the list of its features to know and use


AWS is the Amazon Web Services. It holds one of the most significant market shares when it comes to cloud-based services, at least in part because of the great number of options it offers. EBS is a service that is used for various purposes, from relational databasing to software development and testing. EBS includes plenty of features, many of them can be overlooked when initially configuring your system. To ensure you'll get the best out of your investment, check out these features in our lastes blog articles and see if any of them could work for you.


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