Case Study A-H-S

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New case study:

iSCSI and storage replication with Open-E DSS V7


Today we would like to show you a new customer case where logistics provider DOM Kurier from Germany renewed its storage infrastructure with  Fujitsu PRIMERGY hardware, Citrix XenServer and Open-E DSS V7. 

Open-E DSS V7 on Fujitsu PRIMERGY:

Performance, capacity and cost-effectiveness


Open-E Partner A-H-S Computer  from Germany faced a big task: The IT environment of customer DOM Kurier GmbH was to be renewed both in regards to performance and capacity. Plus, a redundant and cost-efficient backup solution was required.


The solution was an Open-E DSS V7 iSCSI cluster setup on  Fujitsu PRIMERGY  SX150 S8 servers as well as Fujitsu  PRIMERGY  TX2540 M1 systems for virtualization with Citrix XenServer. This guaranteed redundancy on all levels, reduced downtimes and easy capacity expansion at all times.


Find all details on the project and hardware-setup in our new  Case Study >>


A-H-S Fallstudie

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