Case Study Alamy

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New case study:

Active-active solution with Open-E DSS V7


Here is a brand-new customer case for you: Alamy, the world's largest agency for stock photos, videos and live news implemented a HA hypervisor platform with Open-E DSS V7 - read on!

From Open-E DSS V6 to DSS V7:

Load balancing, redundancy, and reduced downtime


With their current hardware running on Open-E DSS V6 and approaching end of life, Alamy was looking for a HA iSCSI storage cluster solution on Hyper-V with high performance, load balancing and resiliency to hardware failures.


After extensive testing, Alamy found their storage solution: By upgrading to Open-E DSS V7 on Dell PowerEdge R720XD servers the company was able to meet all of the requirements, at the same time remaining within the budget.  


Read the full case study >>


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