New Case Study: Simplicity Tech

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Open-E JovianDSS Case Study

Flexible solution for increased performance by Open-E


Here goes a brand-new customer case study: Simplicity Tech, an IT and Cloud technology company from US implemented in their IT environment an Open-E JovianDSS Advanced Metro High Availability Cluster to achieve all their backup and storage goals. Read on!


Simplicty Tech Case Study


Business challenges solved

with Open-E JovianDSS Software Defined Storage


Simplicity Tech has been successfully using a proven Open-E product and due to this satisfaction they have decided to continue building their IT environment with us, this time with the ZFS-based Open-E JovianDSS and the results exceeded their expectations:


"We are absolutely satisfied with the implementation of the Open-E Cluster  solution. Since the migration to the JovianDSS environment we have noted a 50%  increase in performance for all the customers that we host. With this solution,  we can see the storage growing and rest assured that in case we require more  capacity, it will be just a matter of plugging in another storage chassis with an  additional storage pool, not risking any downtime.”


Rick Baranowski, Director of IT


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Reliability, redundancy and data safety

with cost-effective Open-E HA Load-Balanced Clusters


If you plan to set up High Availability Load-Balanced Storage Clusters in your own environment, go to our website and check out the options you have with Open-E Feature Packs >>


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