Disaster Recovery with Open-E JovianDSS

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Protect your data!

Disaster Recovery Plans with Open-E JovianDSS


Disaster Recovery available in Open-E JovianDSS allows you to back up and retrieve essential data in case of theft, flood, server failure, ransomware attack, and so on. The capabilities of the disaster recovery functionality are very flexible and offer a wide array of technologies to keep your data safe.


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Stay safe!

Utilize disaster recovery capabilities


Open-E JovianDSS protects your data in a variety of ways. One of its data protection components is On- and Off-site Data Protection. Thanks to it, you are able to:

  • Create backups of your data as point-in-time copies thanks to the snapshot feature.
  • Prepare snapshot creation schedules and define their lifetime by setting the retention plans.
  • Keep the copies either locally or on another server.
  • Restore data from a local or remote server.
  • Immediately access previous data versions from copies.
  • And more!



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