Join our community: Follow Open-E on Social Media

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Follow Open-E on Social Media


Open-E is active on various social media sites to offer you the latest news about our company, products and partners. Apart form that, we post certified storage servers, case studies as well as upcoming IT events and special promotions.

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Open-E social media communities


Whether you comment, like, share, retweet, +1, or just follow our pages - your support is kindly welcomed. We will also be able to stay informed on your social media activities, and can also like and share your company's updates. Twitter Facebook LinkeIn




Missed a Webinar?

Watch it on YouTube or Vimeo


Our IT specialists hold regular live webinars, informing about different features of our software. In case you missed one of them, you can always watch them later on our YouTube channel or Vimeo. YouTube Vimeo

Grow your social network with us

Be listed on the Open-E website


Did you know that Open-E offers you a chance to promote your social profiles directly on the Open-E webpage? All you need to do is:

  1. Log in to your Partner Portal on the Open-E website - you need to be the Administrator of the profile
  2. Go to “My Company” and click “Company Information”
  3. Insert links of your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google+ profiles in “Social media profiles”

Update your company information today!



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