How-to Active-Active NFS Failover

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New how-to guide

Open-E DSS V7 Active-Active NAS (NFS) Failover


Today we would like to share with you our recent document which will help you and your customers implement High Availability NFS clusters in their storage environment. If you haven't updated to  Open-E DSS V7 up50  yet, download it now to use the Active-Active NFS Failover and other new and improved features.

Benefit from the NFS Failover in Open-E DSS V7

Easy step-by-step configuration


Active-Active NAS (NFS) Failover increases storage performance and effectively utilizes cluster capacity. With our new knowledge resource users can quickly configure it and benefit from this functionality in Open-E DSS V7.


Here's the overview of the how-to guide:

  • Configuring the hardware

  • Network configuration with setting server hostnames and ethernet ports on both nodes

  • Configuring node-b and node-a

  • Creating Volume Groups, NAS Volumes, shares and enabling NFS

  • Configuring the Volume Replication mode, creating and starting the replication task
  • Hosts binding

  • Configuring failover (node-a and node-b)

  • Starting Failover service

  • Testing Failover function

Go to how-to guide


How-to NFS Failover

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