How-to Open-E JovianDSS High Availability Clusters

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New step-by-step guide

High Availability clusters with Open-E JovianDSS


Today we would like to share with you a how-to resource that lets you easily create and deploy a High Availability architecture with Open-E JovianDSS. Download our guide to implement HA clusters in your IT environment.

Redundancy and data protection

With Open-E JovianDSS High Availability Clusters


Open-E JovianDSS offers you redundancy and eliminates single points of failure for better data protection. Thanks to built-in features and seamless integration with popular virtualization tools it is the perfect solution if you are thinking of implementing a highly available environment in a customer's organization.


Download our step-by-step guide and configure a cluster in Open-E JovianDSS without much effort and downtime. The document contains the following topics:


  • Hardware configuration
  • Creating new Pools and iSCSI Targets
  • Network configuration
  • Time and date setting
  • Nodes Binding and Ping Nodes
  • Critical I/O handling setup
  • Starting the cluster service
  • Entering Virtual IP
  • System monitoring setup and failover test

Go to how-to guide



You can download other useful how-to documents, together with plenty of practical knowledge resources on the Open-E website . What is more, you can use the Open-E Live Chat as well to ask our specialists directly for advice.

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