New Blog design and article

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Starting 2015:

New Open-E Blog design and article


We hope that you had a good start into 2015! In the first newsletter of the year we would like to invite you to check out the updated Open-E Blog - the new design is online now. 

Success stories with Open-E DSS V7:

VDB Automatisering, OPTIMA and Investment Technology Partners


We combined some of our recent case studies into one informative blog article for you.


Learn about the different storage challanges that customers from various industries were faced with, and how they were resolved with the help of Open-E DSS V7.


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Success stories

All new:

Updated Blog design


Find an updated design of the Open-E Blog where we changed the look and feel. Now it has the best of both worlds: it keeps the layout and navigation people liked, but offers bigger images and photos for a better overview.

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