New Open-E JovianDSS Certified Server

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New from our laboratory:

TWP Open-E JovianDSS System


Today, we would like to introduce you to the TWP Open-E JovianDSS System - a software-defined storage enviroment with powerful performance and great scalability.

image of TWP Open-E JovianDSS System Open-E JovianDSS Certified Storage Server

from our partner TWP


TWP Open-E JovianDSS System is a storage solution that leverages security, virtualization and cost benefits. With it, you won’t find yourself locked into proprietary storage platforms that can’t be easily expanded or upgraded. We recommend it especially for VDI.


  • Optimized for Private Cloud
  • Guaranteed data protection
  • Enhanced storage performance
  • Hardware independance
  • Flexible scalability
  • Thin provisioning
  • Tiered RAM and SSD Cache
  • Unlimited number of snapshots and clones


Find out more and go to the Certification Report >>


IOPS and Throughput graph

Company information:

TWP Computers BV


TWP Computers BV, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, specializes in rack mount servers and storage solutions. They are an official distributor of Supermicro, an Intel Platinum Partner and have reached Open-E's Silver level of partnership. Read more about TWP on the Open-E website

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