Open-E JovianDSS Advanced Metro HA Cluster with 2 Rings Step by Step guide

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Advanced Metro HA Cluster with 2 Rings configuration


Read our guide devoted to Open-E JovianDSS Advanced Metro HA Cluster with 2 Rings configuration. The step-by-step document explains how to set up non-shared storage HA cluster with 2 Rings properly so that you may utilize the full potential of latest software changes introduced in up28.


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Set up your HA Cluster with 2 Rings


Open-E JovianDSS is a ZFS- and Linux-based Data Storage Software designed for enterprise-sized Software Defined Storage environments and also for medium and small types of businesses. The over 50 pages long document explains in detail how to configure non-shared storage High Availability Cluster to work with 2 Rings. In this guide, you will learn how to:

  • configure network configuration
  • set up a mirror path and storage pools
  • set up rings and ping nodes
  • test the new configuration


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