Open-E JovianDSS Metro HA Cluster

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HA Cluster Feature Packs

Business Continuity with Open-E JovianDSS


Continuous availability is essential as it allows companies to maintain all everyday business operations even in case of critical situations. Check out how your business can benefit from the ZFS- and Linux-based Open-E JovianDSS and keep your data safe and available at all times.

Best data security, highest flexibility and hyper-convergence

with reliable Open-E JovianDSS High Availability Clusters




Open-E JovianDSS includes failover functionality for iSCSI, FC and NFS, SMB (CIFS) enabling users to set up high availability load-balanced storage clusters to guarantee reliability and redundancy through failover in case of a disaster. We offer two types of Feature Packs to build an Open-E JovianDSS Cluster:

  • Standard HA Cluster Feature Pack (SAS, FC) which provides HA for two server nodes connected to a single storage, and one or more JBODs.
  • Advanced Metro HA Cluster Feature Pack (SAS, FC, Ethernet) which provides HA for two server nodes via Ethernet over LAN (up to 50 miles / 80km), using storage at each location (dual storage).




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Open-E nominated for Storage-Insider Readers' Choice Award 2019


Open-E, undoubtedly deserving for a prize, has been nominated for Storage-Insider Readers' Choice Award 2019 in the Speicher-Management & Software Defined Storage Category. Support us till August 31 and cast your vote here >>



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