Get Open-E JovianDSS up19: New HA Cluster over Ethernet option

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Get Open-E JovianDSS up19

New HA Cluster over Ethernet option


The new update 19 for our ZFS-based  Open-E JovianDSS  software has just been released and is now available on our website.

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High Availability Cluster over Ethernet

with Open-E JovianDSS


Open-E JovianDSS includes failover functionality for SMB, NFS and iSCSI protocols that enable users to set up High Availability Load-Balanced Storage Clusters. Now, thanks to the new Open-E JovianDSS Advanced Metro HA Cluster Feature Pack , you can create an HA environment for two server nodes over Ethernet (Metro Cluster of up to 50 miles / 80km distance) with a storage server at each location (Dual Storage).

HA Cluster over Ethernet

All your mission-critical  data and applications are duplicated by mirroring drives from one server on another system, resulting in constant access. Since both nodes are running in active mode, all hardware resources are also efficiently used. Enjoy an uninterrupted workflow, continuous availability and data protection with the new feature pack.


Update 19 includes also S.M.A.R.T. attributes for all disks in the log files. This way, you can easily detect indicators of drive reliability and avoid disk failure.

Find the Release Notes for the Open-E JovianDSS up19  here . On this specific topic, you can also refer to the new Solution page on our website . Feel free to contact us for further questions.

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