With this e-mail we would like to inform you that thousands of Support Licenses for Open-E DSS V6 or Open-E DSS V6 Lite have still not be renewed. For this reason a reminder newsletter will be sent to end-customers in the next few days. This will also be a good sales opportunity for you.
Open-E offers the following support
products for Open-E DSS V6 and Open-E DSS V6 Lite:
Open-E's Support Products
 | Annual Standard Support
The Annual Standard Support license* provides: - technical support via phone
- technical support via e-mail
- reaction time within one working day
 | Annual Premium Support
The Annual Premium Support license* provides:
- technical support via phone
- technical support via e-mail
- reaction time within 4 working hours
- remote support (fixing problems directly on your server)
- small updates (customized fixes, drivers, improvements)
* License will be activated for only one
DSS V6 or DSS V6
Lite product for 365 days from date of purchase and can be renewed after the 1 year term has ended.
You need more information?
Please contact the
Open-E Sales Representative from
your area anytime if you have questions about the
Open-E Support Licenses or need further information about the Open-E