Join Open-E's Social Networks

Dear Open-E Partner,

Join Open-E's
Social Networks

Today, we would like to introduce to you our new page on Spiceworks and invite you to join our growing social communities. And if you want to nominate Open-E for  Network Computing Awards 2013, feel free to do so - we really appreciate your support.

Follow us on Spiceworks!

SpiceworksA professionnal and exciting Open-E community is growing day by day. Now, you can be a part of it and follow Open-E on Spiceworks.

Currently, the Spiceworks Community has over 2 million IT pros helping IT professionals to make smart IT decisions.

Follow Open-E's page and connect with industry pros.

Follow us on Spiceworks

Connect to our Social Media sites

Open-E's social media sites offer you the latest news about the world of Open-E plus many posts ranging from Data Storage related topics, white papers and case studies to current events and promotions. We want you to connect with us, as your voice matters the most. Whether you comment, like, share, retweet, +1, or simply follow our pages - we are always excited to have such great support from you.        
Join Open-E's community and stay in touch with us TwitterFacebook and Google+.

Nominate Open-E
for Network Computing Awards 2013

You think Open-E DSS V7 is the best software solution on the market? Then support us and nominate Open-E DSS V7 for the Network Computing Awards 2013.

The Network Computing Awards were set up to recognize outstanding companies and solutions which help organizations function better by getting the most out of their network.

Network Computing Awards 2013

If you have any questions regarding this newsletter or our products, please contact us anytime. 

Best regards,
Vera Neumeyer
Open-E Team
Open-E, Inc.
 T: +1 (678) 666 2880