Open-E Solution for Ransomware Threat

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Open-E Data Storage Solution

Against Ransomware Attack Consequences


Ransomware attacks are a growing threat to businesses and public institutions. They can encrypt your data, leaving you with huge losses. But with Open-E JovianDSS there’s no need to worry about that. If you use our software, you won’t be paying any ransom or compromising your data security ever again.


Open-E Data Storage Solution Against Ransomware Attack Consequences


Check Out 2022 Ransomware Statistics

And Learn How to Protect Your Data from The Attack!


Explore all the benefits that come with using Open-E JovianDSS for protecting your data. Cover your servers with a layer of protection granted by using snapshots and their retention plans. Learn what is so special about them that even the most advanced hackers can’t edit or corrupt these files. Everything you need to know about ransomware challenges in 2023 is right below!


Open-E Data Storage Solution Against Ransomware Attack Consequences


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