week we're presenting three Open-E Certified Storage Servers which have
been recently approved by our QA engineers. Also, we would like to
remind you that Open-E is a finalist in DCS Awards 2014 and
counting on your support!
Open-E Certified Storage
TAROX ParX R208s G5
Open-E Certified Storage
TAROX ParX R104s G5
Another certified
server from TAROX! Together with Open-E DSS V7 the system
features excellent stability and is best used for:
- iSCSI storage
- NAS filer
- Storage for databases
Go to Certification
Report >>

Open-E Certified Storage
SYS-line (fms-computer)
TurboRACK i5241-R2
Support Open-E:
Thank you for every vote!
Remember to vote for Open-E DSS V7
- shortlisted for the category “Datacenter ICT Storage
Software of the Year” in DCS Awards 2014.
We appreciate your

If you have any questions
regarding this newsletter or Open-E please
contact us anytime.