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Aug 30, 2017

Video Surveillance Solution with flexibility and vast growth

Video Surveillance data is exploding with high value needs for the content, and access for evidence and proof is more critical than ever. For this reason, Private Clouds that involve on-site data content for additional security are trending now faster than ever. For the Texas Police Departments time and storage demands are vital needs for their surveillance security camera data. They required quality hardware with a software storage operating system to provide SMB/CIFs, and import the Users and Groups from their Microsoft ADS server. They neither had time for extensive training on the products nor to read an extensive manual. Basically they needed to drop in place and go. For the Texas Police Departments, video surveillance products must have high quality and flexibility to fulfill the ever changing needs for security on all levels and types of video equipment.



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Open-E DSS V7 Active/Active iSCSI Failover Setup

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Open-E DSS V6 is wonderful! It is very easy to install and since it is able to be installed on a USB stick, I was able to allocate the disks I would have used for OS to actual storage space! The interface is intuitive and can easily be setup by a novice user. I have pushed the software, and can honestly say that it can support several iSCSI connections simultaneously without crashing. I am using and would definitely recommend Open-E DSS V6 as a production capable iSCSI target OS.


Mike Bramel

Sr. Network Engineer / Security Analyst, Chelsea & Scott, LTD. and

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