New hardware certified for Open-E JovianDSS
In this article we would like to introduce to you a high performing storage solution…
Read MoreWe have recently updated our website with three new Case Studies where our partners starline, ibc and TEMA present how and with which hardware they used Open-E to install high quality storage environments at customers or in their own company.
German Gold Partner starline presents a project from the financial sector, implementing a secure private inhouse cloud with virtualization and SAN powered by Open-E (only available in German language). Read more…
Ibc from India show us how they helped a global IT solutions company streamline their IT infrastructure and reduce storage costs with Open-E DSS V6. Read more…
And our Bulgarian Partner TEMA used our Data Storage Software to set up a NAS based Demonstration Center for digital video technologies with which they are able to keep up the expertise level of their consultants and show customers the technological solutions they offer. Read more…
Of course you will find even more Case Studies in our Library. And if you have a project with Open-E DSS V6 which you think is worth publishing, feel free to send us your proposal anytime.
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