Open-E webcast
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    Tuning iSCSI Target settings for VMware ESX

    Lately, we have been getting enquiries from Open-E DSS V7 users about VMware settings. That’s why we decided to prepare a webcast explaining how to tune iSCSI Target settings for ESX. In just 14 minutes, our moderator will take you through the entire process.

    iSCSI (Internet Small Computer System Interface) is based on familiar SCSI and TCP/IP standards and offers many benefits, not only for data centers. iSCSI storage lets you effectively use disk space while ensuring data reliability, lower cost, and increased performance.

    Moreover, centralized storage management utilizing iSCSI and RAID technology make administration more comfortable and reduce downtime in case of hard drive failures.


    Let’s have a look at some of the discussed topics:

    • Creating the iSCSI Volume and Target
    • Accessing hardware configuration from console screen
    • Modifying default values for the iSCSI Target
    • Changing the ESX initiator values in “Advanced Settings”

    Click on the button below to watch the webcast:

    Play now - Button


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    • Brian

      March 02, 03 2015 12:26:39

      Excellent webcast, can you verify these settings are also applicable to ESXi 5.5 ??

      VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
      Rating: +2 (from 2 votes)
      • Kasia Kolodziej

        March 02, 03 2015 03:57:23

        Hey Brian. Yes, the settings in the Webcast are also applicable to ESXi 5.5 for Open-E DSS V7 and Open-E DSS V6.

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