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Jan 21, 2015

High availability hypervisor platform for stock photo agency
EOLAOpen-E DSS V7 product's end of life scheduled for November 1, 2024.

The world's largest online photo agency Alamy required a resilient storage solution with load-balancing, redundancy against hardware failure, and the ability to install hardware and OS updates without downtime. The company chose Open-E DSS V7 with Active-Active iSCSI Failover to provide high availability iSCSI storage, and set up an environment which also leveraged Hyper-V 2012 clustering to provide a HA hypervisor platform.


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Open-E DSS V7 Active/Active iSCSI Failover Setup

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Open-E DSS V7 did the job during the first years but as our business requirements were growing we needed even more flexibility than before. The Open-E JovianDSS ZFS-based solution provides us with the demanded flexibility. What is more, thanks to the Metro Cluster setup we can now provide our twin datacenter with high speed SSD storage.


Robin Damen


Virtual Computing

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