Open-E JovianDSS is our ZFS-based product, delivering highest data reliability and integrity in Software Defined Storage environments. Learn more about off-site backup solutions, Disaster Recovery options and more.

Intel® Optane™ products are high-tech devices based on 3D XPoint technology. Unlike traditional NAND SSDs, Intel Optane drives, among others, provide high and stable IOPS, low and stable latency, high quality of service (QoS), and can be also used as RAM cache replacement. Using Intel Optane drives as a cache for Open-E JovianDSS system is a perfect, cost-effective, stable, and top-performance solution.


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  • Several online meetings - each discussing a different Open-E JovianDSS functionality.
  • Chance to ask questions while and after the presentation.
  • Opportunity to understand how Open-E JovianDSS works without any installation or setup.