Asynchronous Volume Replication of VMware Virtual Machines with DSS V6 and Acronis Backup & Recovery software

This article shows practical solution that can be used as a replacement for Asynchronous Volume Replication in customers environment. The solution describes how effectively prevent a decrease in performance when saving files to storage in organizations which has several regional branches located worldwide.

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How effectively prevent a decrease in performance?

When your organization has several regional branches located worldwide, you rather need Asynchronous Volume Replication than Synchronous Volume Replication, despite the fact that the second solution provides the shortest downtime and minimize data loss in case of outage. If your servers are located in remote locations - for example one server is in U.S, and a second in Asia, Asynchronous Volume Replication will prevent a decrease in write performance. When file changes are replicated asynchronously - the write performance is not limited by the connection speed between servers, therefore slow connection at one location (e.g. 10Mbit/sec) will not affect the overall write performance.

Volume Replication

How to get the benefits of Asynchronous Volume Replication in a different way?

Even though Asynchronous Volume Replication is not featured in our software, you can still benefit from equivalent solution we have prepared. It will provide the same benefits as AVR but in a different way, ensuring uninterrupted and fast asynchronous volume replication of a database to a remote location. The solution below can be used as a replacement for Asynchronous Volume Replication in any customer’s environment. You can read more about this solution on our blog post.

1. Software requirements

a) 2 x Open-E Data Storage Software V6 b5845 with Data (file) replication enabled

b) VMware ESXi 5.0

c) Acronis Backup and Recovery 11

2. Preparing DSS storage with Data (file) replication

Now we will describe how to prepare NAS share on both DSS machines with enabled Data (file) replication. NAS share on the first DSS machine will be used as a centralized backup folder in Acronis Backup and Recovery for a virtual machine backup. The second DSS machine will be used as a co-located backup.

3.1. Configuring the destination node for Data (file) replication - DSS2

Please configure the volume group and create a logical volume for destination data (file) replication (CONFIGURATION -> volume manager -> Vol. groups -> vg00).

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