Webinars & videos

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Open-E DSS V7 with SMB User Audit

in Open-E DSS V7 Essentials by

  • Installing User Audit small update 70130-DSS-V7_SMB_users_audit
  • Setting up NAS volume and SMB share
  • Creating SMB audit log share
  • Enabling logging in NAS settings
  • Accessing the log file

Connect Open-E DSS V7 to a NIS Server

in Open-E DSS V7 Essentials by

  • Configure the NIS without containing users and groups below 101
  • Verify the NIS server is running
  • Connect to the NIS server

Showing 1 - 3 out of total 3 elements.


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Take part in our live demos with Open-E Engineers

  • Several online meetings - each discussing a different Open-E JovianDSS functionality.
  • Chance to ask questions while and after the presentation.
  • Opportunity to understand how Open-E JovianDSS works without any installation or setup.