Open-E Case Studies

Welcome to the Open-E Case Study page, where you can find out how our customers and partners have successfully implemented Open-E products and solutions for their data storage needs. Here you can read about the data storage challenges, solutions, and results of various projects and implementation scenarios.

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Language: English

Tool manufacturer implements iSCSI cluster with Open-E

The storage environment of POLY-TOOLS bennewart GmbH, an international manufacturer of technically complex blow molds, needed a thorough renewal. With the help of save IT first and Open-E Gold Partner EUROstor they implemented an active-active iSCSI cluster configuration based on Open-E DSS V7 to reach highest reliability.


Language: English

Virtualization and High Availability in drinking water management with Open-E DSS V7

Hochsauerlandwasser GmbH, a joint communal drinking water supplier in Germany, replaced their 6 year old storage network with a scalable high- availability cluster environment based on Open-E DSS V7.


Language: English

ISCSI and storage replication with Open-E DSS V7

Logistics provider DOM Kurier GmbH from Germany renewed their storage infrastructure with Open-E, Fujitsu and Citrix XenServer to significantly increase performance and to achieve cost-efficient redundancy for backups.


Language: English

Manufacturer of pedicure products implements HA storage with Open-E and VMware

Eduard Gerlach GmbH, a market leader of pedicure products in Germany, found with Open-E DSS V7 a storage solution, which is compatible with their SAP environment and provides the best performance, high availability and easy scalability at the same time. With an active-active iSCSI Cluster over several fire protection zones it was possible to integrate SAP in their own data center.


Language: English

High availability hypervisor platform for stock photo agency

The world's largest online photo agency Alamy required a resilient storage solution with load-balancing, redundancy against hardware failure, and the ability to install hardware and OS updates without downtime. The company chose Open-E DSS V7 with Active-Active iSCSI Failover to provide high availability iSCSI storage, and set up an environment which also leveraged Hyper-V 2012 clustering to provide a HA hypervisor platform.

Language: English

Software-defined storage for business automation software developer

Due to its rapid growth, ReadSoft, a global provider of applications for automating business processes, required a storage solution with higher performance, exceptionally scalable, easy to set up, and highly secure. Additionally any existing single points of failure were to be avoided. Satisfied with the existing Open-E storage, ReadSoft decided to upgrade to software-defined Open-E JovianDSS which is based on ZFS.


Language: English

A success story from mechanical engineering industry

OPTIMA packaging group GmbH is a leader in manufacturing filling and packaging machines. While using VMware ESX, the company choose to build the centralized storage system based on Open-E DSS V7 because of its scalability, worldwide availability of the product and implementation costs.


Language: English

Storage high availability for internet service provider

VDB Automatisering is an ICT company and was looking for a suitable solution to guarantee redundancy for their internet services. With Open-E DSS V7 they were able to save money and achieve a great performance and stability with a resilient setup thanks to reusing legacy hardware.


Language: English

A Success Story from the Financial Sector

Investment Technology Partners (ITP) delivers a complete, hosted IT solution for small to medium Financial Services Firms. ITP’s goal was to design and integrate enterprise class redundant data centers. Open-E provided the performance, resiliency and tier 1 capability at a reasonable price which was needed.


Language: English

D&D Distribution develops custom storage solutions powered by Intel® technology and Open-E

D&D Distribution specializes in building storage solutions from scratch. It wanted to create a next-generation modular storage solution with new levels of flexibility, availability, and scalability. Open-E storage software offered an easy-to-use storage management interface for achieving a custom storage solutions powered by Intel®. technology.