Open-E JovianDSS Advanced Metro HA Cluster

Read the brochure to learn more about the Advanced Metro High Availability Cluster Feature Pack in Open-E JovianDSS.

Advanced Metro High Availability cluster for iSCSI, FC and NFS, SMB (CIFS)

Open-E JovianDSS includes failover functionality for iSCSI, FC and NFS, SMB (CIFS), enabling you to set up High Availability Load-Balanced Storage Clusters that ensure reliability and redundancy through failover in case of a server crash. By using the Open-E JovianDSS Advanced Metro High Availability Cluster Feature Pack, you can create High Availability for two server nodes with storage mirror over Ethernet using a storage at each location (Dual Storage). Since the connection of cluster communication and data mirroring between nodes works over Ethernet, the nodes might be located far from each other as a (stretched) metro storage cluster.

  • 1Gbps, 10Gbps, 40Gbps, 100Gbps Ethernet support for maximum speed
  • Perfect for both rack (from 12" / 30cm) and metro (up to 50 miles / 80km) clusters
  • Allows use of less expensive SATA drives
  • Easy to configure and manage
  • Compared to SAS or FibreChannel, JBODs are not required for Ethernet clusters
  • Optional use of RAID controllers
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Advanced High Availability Cluster Management

With the HA cluster management software functionalities you can quickly access all features related to your cluster setup. Whether for initial configuration or re-configuration after a failover – everything is in one place and guarantees ease of use for the storage administrator.
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Open-E, founded in 1998, is a well-established developer of IP-based storage management software. Its flagship product, Open-E JovianDSS, is a robust, award-winning storage application that offers excellent compatibility with industry standards. It’s also the easiest to use and manage. Additionally, it is one of the most stable solutions on the market and an undisputed price performance leader. Thanks to its reputation, experience, and business reliability, Open-E has become the technology partner of choice for industry-leading IT companies. Open-E accounts for over 38,000 installations worldwide.

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