A cluster is one of the most secure storage setups that can effectively increase performance, reliability or capacity in an IT environment. Workloads are balanced, files are accessible at all times and features such as failover ensure Business Continuity. Learn more about clusters with Open-E software.

A stretch cluster provides a low total cost of ownership (TCO) solution by creating enterprise-class storage services on industry standard server and storage hardware. This solution with ATTO Technology connectivity, AIC hardware and Open-E JovianDSS software provides 24/7 uptime with business continuity for real-time, mission-critical applications enabling organizations to virtualize these applications and maintain high-availability access.


The On- and Off-site Data Protection in Open-E JovianDSS Off-site Data Protection effectively prevents data loss and helps you to achieve maximum data security, especially in High Availability Cluster Setups. Automatic snapshots and asynchronous replication ensure consistent backup that keeps your data safe from theft, ransomware attacks or other disastrous events – with instant access and easy roll-back to previous versions in case of data loss.


A High Availability Cluster with multiple JBODs over SAS or FC with Open-E JovianDSS is a typical cluster setup where the communication between nodes as well as the data transfer is based on two server heads connected to a common storage with one or more redundant JBODs. Depending on what kind of performance, availability, flexibility and costs is demanded, a-user can set up such a cluster by means of a SAS connection, or with Fibre Channel (FC).


A Cluster over Ethernet with Open-E JovianDSS is built of two nodes. Each node has its own hard drives attached directly to the node. The solution allows for using a commodity server that is made up of only SATA drives.


A High Availability cluster over Ethernet is a type of cluster setup where the communication between redundant nodes as well as the data transfer, are being realized over an Ethernet connection in an automatic failover configuration.


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