Global Systems Communications SRL

Global Systems Communications SRL

No. 39, LT.PETRE LINTES Street
050871 Bucharest

Covered products
  • Open-E JovianDSS
  • Open-E DSS V7 (EOLA)
Company services
  • Reseller

Compania GLOBAL SYSTEMS COMMUNICATIONS a fost fondata in anul 2005, de un grup de oameni tineri si entuziasti, avand ca obiect de activitate comercializarea de produse IT.
Firma a fost construita in jurul unei echipe de oameni cu peste 15 ani de experienta in domeniul IT&C.
Dupa sapte ani in care compania a activat pe piata romaneasca, am reusit sa ne facem cunoscuti prin seriozitate, atat ca integratori de solutii, cat si ca distribuitori de produse si servicii necesare proiectarii, integrarii si intretinerii infrastructurilor IT&C.

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Take part in our live demos with Open-E Engineers

  • Several online meetings - each discussing a different Open-E JovianDSS functionality.
  • Chance to ask questions while and after the presentation.
  • Opportunity to understand how Open-E JovianDSS works without any installation or setup.