Boston Server & Storage Solutions GmbH

Mar 23, 2021

IT-Dienstleister mit eigenem Rechenzentrum erneuert seine Storage-Infrastruktur für eine langfristige Strategie mit Open-E JovianDSS

IT-Dienstleister mit eigenem Rechenzentrum erneuert seine Storage-Infrastruktur für eine langfristige Strategie mit Open-E JovianDSS Read more »


Mar 23, 2021

IT Service Provider With Own Data Center Renews Its Storage Infrastructure For A Long-Term Strategy With Open-E JovianDSS

IT Service Provider With Own Data Center Renews Its Storage Infrastructure For A Long-Term Strategy With Open-E JovianDSS. IT-Beratung HALBE, which operates its own data center, wanted to realign its strategy by replacing the conventional storage and virtualization environment based on DSS V7 and VMware ESXi with a new infrastructure. Taking into account a general cost minimization, the goal was to create a future-proof starting position so that competitive services in the IT and hosting area can be still offered to the customers. Read more »


Oct 8, 2015

Spezialist für Test-Equipment integriert Software-defined Storage Lösung mit Open-E

COMPRION ist ein weltweit führender Hersteller von Testlösungen für Terminals und Smart Cards. Die Testsysteme des Unternehmens sind für ihre präzisen Mess- und Testeigenschaften bekannt. Mit einer Software-defined Storage-Lösung basierend auf Hardware von Boston Server & Storage Solutions mit Open-E JovianDSS, konnte COMPRION die veraltete Storage-Umgebung in Sachen Datensicherheit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit auf den neuesten Stand bringen.


Oct 8, 2015

Test equipment specialist integrates Software Defined Storage solution with Open-E

COMPRION is a world leader in manufacturing test solutions for terminals and smart cards. The company’s test systems are well-known for their precise measurement and testing capabilities. With a Software Defined Storage solution based on hardware from Boston Server & Storage Solutions with Open-E JovianDSS, COMPRION was able to renew their storage environment in regards to data security and usability.


Oct 8, 2015

El Especialista en Equipos de Prueba integra la Solución de Almacenamiento Definido por Software con Open-E

COMPRION es líder mundial en la fabricación de soluciones de pruebas para terminales y Smart cards. Los sistemas de prueba de la compañía son bien conocidos por su precisa medición y capacidades, gracias a los cuales COMPRION trabaja con variedad de clientes, como pueden ser fabricantes de auriculares, tarjetas y chipsets, y también lo hace con operadores de redes móviles y casas de prueba.


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  • Several online meetings - each discussing a different Open-E JovianDSS functionality.
  • Chance to ask questions while and after the presentation.
  • Opportunity to understand how Open-E JovianDSS works without any installation or setup.